A B C D E F G H I K M N O P R S T U V W 


AbstractGraph<T extends Vertex> - Class in com.codemelon.graph.graph
AbstractGraph() - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.AbstractGraph
Initialize graph to a default initial capacity of 16 vertices
AbstractGraph(int) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.AbstractGraph
Initialize graph to have capacity for the given number of vertices
AbstractGraph(Collection<T>) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.AbstractGraph
Use the vertices in a collection as the initial vertices in the graph
AbstractVertex - Class in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
AbstractVertex() - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.AbstractVertex
Default constructor creates a vertex belonging to no graph
addAdjacency(V) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedEdgeDataVertex
addAdjacency(T) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedSimpleVertex
addAdjacency(V) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.UndirectedEdgeDataVertex
addAdjacency(T) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.UndirectedSimpleVertex
addAdjacency(T) - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.Vertex
Adds the specified vertex to the set of adjacencies.
addVertex(T) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.AbstractGraph
Inserts vertex if it is not already present.
adjacencyCount() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedEdgeDataVertex
adjacencyCount() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedSimpleVertex
adjacencyCount() - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.Vertex
Returns the number of vertices in the adjacency set
areEqualWeights(double, double) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.DirectedWeightedEdgeGraph
areEqualWeights(double, double) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.UndirectedWeightedEdgeGraph
areEqualWeights(double, double) - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.graph.WeightedEdgeGraph
Determine if 2 floating point weights are to be considered equal in the given graph.


BellmanFord<E extends EdgeWeightData,V extends DirectedEdgeDataVertex<E> & ShortestPathVertex<E>> - Class in com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.path
Implementation of Bellman-Ford algorithm following CLRS, pp.
BellmanFord(DirectedWeightedEdgeGraph<E, V>) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.path.BellmanFord
Constructor from the graph for which shortest paths are to be found.
BfsGraph<T extends UndirectedSimpleVertex & BfsVertex> - Class in com.codemelon.graph.graph
Undirected graph meeting the requirements for conducting breadth-first search
BfsGraph() - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.BfsGraph
Initialize graph to a default initial capacity of 16 vertices
BfsGraph(int) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.BfsGraph
Initialize graph to have capacity for the given number of vertices
BfsGraph(Collection<T>) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.BfsGraph
Use the vertices in a collection as the initial vertices in the graph
BfsVertex - Interface in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
Utility interface used as shorthand for vertices that implement ChildVertex, ColoredVertex, and DistanceVertex, as needed for breadth-first search
BreadthFirstSearch<T extends BfsVertex> - Class in com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.search
Implementation of breadth-first search following CLRS, pp.
BreadthFirstSearch(AbstractGraph<T>) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.search.BreadthFirstSearch
Prepares the search on the given graph


ChildVertex - Interface in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
Vertex that can maintain a parent-child relationship to other vertices
clearAdjacencies() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedEdgeDataVertex
clearAdjacencies() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedSimpleVertex
clearAdjacencies() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.UndirectedEdgeDataVertex
clearAdjacencies() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.UndirectedSimpleVertex
clearAdjacencies() - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.Vertex
Removes all vertices from the adjacency set.
Color - Enum in com.codemelon.graph.common
For coloring vertices or edges.
ColoredVertex - Interface in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
Vertex that supports coloring.
com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.path - package com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.path
com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.search - package com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.search
Breadth-first search, depth-first search and related algorithms.
com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.spanningtree - package com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.spanningtree
com.codemelon.graph.common - package com.codemelon.graph.common
com.codemelon.graph.edge - package com.codemelon.graph.edge
com.codemelon.graph.graph - package com.codemelon.graph.graph
In this implementation the various graph types are mainly just wrappers for vertices.
com.codemelon.graph.vertex - package com.codemelon.graph.vertex
compare(OrderedSearchVertex, OrderedSearchVertex) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.ReverseSearchOrderComparator
compare(OrderedSearchVertex, OrderedSearchVertex) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.SearchOrderComparator
compare(WeightedVertex, WeightedVertex) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.WeightComparator
ComponentVertex - Interface in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
Vertex supporting a field for distinguishing different components of a graph.
containsAdjacency(Vertex) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedEdgeDataVertex
containsAdjacency(Vertex) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedSimpleVertex
containsAdjacency(Vertex) - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.Vertex
Returns true if the adjacency set contains the specified vertex
containsEdge(T, T) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.AbstractGraph
Shows whether or not the graph contains the specified edge
containsVertex(Vertex) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.AbstractGraph
Shows whether or not the graph contains the given vertex


DEFAULT_COMPONENT - Static variable in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.ComponentVertex
Default value for vertices' component field.
DEFAULT_DISCOVERY_TIME - Static variable in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.VisitedVertex
Default discovery time to which vertices are initialized unless otherwise specified.
DEFAULT_DISTANCE - Static variable in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DistanceVertex
Default distance to which vertices are initialized unless otherwise specified.
DEFAULT_EDGE_WEIGHT - Static variable in interface com.codemelon.graph.edge.EdgeWeightData
Default edge weight to which edges are initialized if not otherwise specified.
DEFAULT_FINISH_TIME - Static variable in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.VisitedVertex
Default finish time to which vertices are initialized unless otherwise specified.
DEFAULT_SEARCH_ORDER_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.OrderedSearchVertex
Default value to which vertices' search order fields are initialized unless otherwise specified.
DEFAULT_WEIGHT - Static variable in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.WeightedVertex
Default vertex weight.
DEFAULT_WEIGHT_EPSILON - Static variable in interface com.codemelon.graph.graph.WeightedEdgeGraph
Default value for the epsilon below which weights are to be considered equal.
DepthFirstSearch<T extends DfsVertex> - Class in com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.search
This is the most basic implementation of depth-first search.
DepthFirstSearch(AbstractGraph<T>) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.search.DepthFirstSearch
Prepare the depth-first search.
DfsEdgeData - Class in com.codemelon.graph.edge
DfsEdgeData() - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.edge.DfsEdgeData
Default constructor sets edge type to UNKNOWN
DfsEdgeData(EdgeType) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.edge.DfsEdgeData
Construct a DfsEdgeData object with initial type specified by input
DfsEdgeData.Factory - Enum in com.codemelon.graph.edge
DfsGraph<E extends DfsEdgeData> - Class in com.codemelon.graph.graph
Utility class that eliminates one type parameter from DirectedEdgeDataGraph by specifying V as a DirectedDfsVertex.
DfsGraph() - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.DfsGraph
Initialize graph to a default initial capacity of 16 vertices
DfsGraph(int) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.DfsGraph
Initialize graph to have capacity for the given number of vertices
DfsGraph(Collection<DirectedDfsVertex<E>>) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.DfsGraph
Use the vertices in a collection as the initial vertices in the graph
DfsVertex - Interface in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
Utility interface used as shorthand for vertices that implement ColoredVertex and VisitedVertex, as needed for the most basic kind of depth-first search.
DirectedDfsVertex<E extends DfsEdgeData> - Class in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
Directed vertex supporting the operations required for depth-first search.
DirectedDfsVertex(EdgeDataFactory<E>) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedDfsVertex
Constructor from an EdgeDataFactory
DirectedEdgeDataGraph<T,V extends DirectedEdgeDataVertex<T>> - Class in com.codemelon.graph.graph
Directed graph that supports edge data.
DirectedEdgeDataGraph() - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.DirectedEdgeDataGraph
Initialize graph to a default initial capacity of 16 vertices
DirectedEdgeDataGraph(int) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.DirectedEdgeDataGraph
Initialize graph to have capacity for the given number of vertices
DirectedEdgeDataGraph(Collection<V>) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.DirectedEdgeDataGraph
Use the vertices in a collection as the initial vertices in the graph
DirectedEdgeDataVertex<T> - Class in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
DirectedEdgeDataVertex(EdgeDataFactory<T>) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedEdgeDataVertex
Constructor from an EdgeDataFactory
DirectedOrderedDfsVertex - Class in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
Simple vertex class supporting ordered depth-first search.
DirectedOrderedDfsVertex() - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedOrderedDfsVertex
DirectedOrderedDfsVertex.Factory - Enum in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
DirectedShortestPathVertex<E extends ShortestPathEdgeData> - Class in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
DirectedShortestPathVertex(EdgeDataFactory<E>) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedShortestPathVertex
DirectedSimpleColoredVertex - Class in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
DirectedSimpleColoredVertex() - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedSimpleColoredVertex
Default constructor initializes graph to null, creates an empty adjacency list and initializes vertex color to WHITE
DirectedSimpleGraph<T extends DirectedSimpleVertex> - Class in com.codemelon.graph.graph
DirectedSimpleGraph() - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.DirectedSimpleGraph
Initialize graph to a default initial capacity of 16 vertices
DirectedSimpleGraph(int) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.DirectedSimpleGraph
Initialize graph to have capacity for the given number of vertices
DirectedSimpleGraph(Collection<T>) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.DirectedSimpleGraph
Use the vertices in a collection as the initial vertices in the graph
DirectedSimpleVertex - Class in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
DirectedSimpleVertex() - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedSimpleVertex
Default constructor initializes graph to null and creates an empty adjacency list
DirectedWeightedEdgeGraph<E extends EdgeWeightData,V extends DirectedEdgeDataVertex<E> & EdgeWeightVertex<E>> - Class in com.codemelon.graph.graph
Directed graph supporting floating point edge weight.
DirectedWeightedEdgeGraph() - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.DirectedWeightedEdgeGraph
Initialize an empty graph using the default values for weightEpsilon and initial capacity.
DirectedWeightedEdgeGraph(double) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.DirectedWeightedEdgeGraph
Initialize an empty graph using the given value for weightEpsilon and default initial capacity.
DirectedWeightedEdgeGraph(Collection<V>) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.DirectedWeightedEdgeGraph
Use the vertices in a collection as the initial vertices in the graph and set weight epsilon to the default value.
DirectedWeightedEdgeGraph(Collection<V>, double) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.DirectedWeightedEdgeGraph
Use the vertices in a collection as the initial vertices in the graph and set weight epsilon to the specified value.
DirectedWeightedEdgeGraph(int) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.DirectedWeightedEdgeGraph
Initialize an empty graph to have capacity for the given number of vertices and the default weight epsilon.
DirectedWeightedEdgeGraph(int, double) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.DirectedWeightedEdgeGraph
Initialize an empty graph to have capacity for the given number of vertices and the specified weight epsilon.
DisjointSet<T> - Class in com.codemelon.graph.common
Implementation of disjoint set following CLRS, pp.
DisjointSet(Collection<T>) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.common.DisjointSet
This performs the make-set operation described in CLRS on all items in the collection
DistanceVertex - Interface in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
Vertex that maintains a distance field


EdgeColorData - Interface in com.codemelon.graph.edge
Requires that an EdgeData object maintain a color parameter.
EdgeColorVertex<E extends EdgeColorData> - Interface in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
Vertex that maintains a Color for its adjacencies
edgeCount() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.AbstractGraph
Returns the number of edges in the graph.
edgeCount() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.BfsGraph
edgeCount() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.DirectedEdgeDataGraph
edgeCount() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.DirectedSimpleGraph
edgeCount() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.UndirectedEdgeDataGraph
edgeCount() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.UndirectedSimpleGraph
EdgeDataFactory<T> - Interface in com.codemelon.graph.edge
EdgeDataVertex<T> - Interface in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
Specification for vertices supporting edge data.
EdgeDataVertexFactory<T,V extends EdgeDataVertex<T>> - Interface in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
EdgeResetter - Class in com.codemelon.graph.graph
EdgeType - Enum in com.codemelon.graph.edge
Enumeration of different edge types, as are determined in depth-first search.
EdgeTypeData - Interface in com.codemelon.graph.edge
Requires that an EdgeData object maintain an EdgeType (TREE, BACK, FORWARD, CROSS, UNKNOWN)
EdgeTypeDepthFirstSearch<E extends EdgeTypeData,V extends EdgeTypeDfsVertex<E>> - Class in com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.search
This implementation of depth-first search specifies the type of each edge as it is explored.
EdgeTypeDepthFirstSearch(AbstractGraph<V>) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.search.EdgeTypeDepthFirstSearch
Prepare the depth-first search.
EdgeTypeDfsVertex<T extends EdgeTypeData> - Interface in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
Utility interface used as shorthand for vertices that implement DfsVertex, ChildVertex and EdgeTypeVertex, as needed for a depth-first search in which edge type is to be determined.
EdgeTypeVertex<T extends EdgeTypeData> - Interface in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
Vertex that maintains an EdgeType for its adjacencies
EdgeWeightData - Interface in com.codemelon.graph.edge
Requires that an EdgeData object maintain a floating point weight value.
EdgeWeightVertex<T extends EdgeWeightData> - Interface in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
Vertex that maintains an edge weight for its adjacencies
equals(Object) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.edge.UndirectedWeightedEdge
Since weighted edges are undirected, they are equal not only if they have the same tail and head but also if they have opposite tails and heads.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.AbstractVertex
Don't allow subclasses to override the equals method


findSet(T) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.common.DisjointSet
Returns the canonical representative of the set to which the given item belongs
findShortestPaths(V) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.path.BellmanFord
Find shortest paths to all vertices reachable from a given source vertex s.
FIRST_COMPONENT_NUMBER - Static variable in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.ComponentVertex
The starting number when numbering components.
FIRST_DISCOVERY_TIME - Static variable in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.VisitedVertex
The discovery time shown for the vertex first visited in the search
from() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.edge.UndirectedWeightedEdge
Returns one end of the given edge.


generateTree() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.spanningtree.Kruskal
Creates and returns a minimum spanning tree.
getAdjacencies() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedEdgeDataVertex
getAdjacencies() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedSimpleVertex
getAdjacencies() - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.Vertex
Returns a set of all adjacent vertices
getColor() - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.edge.EdgeColorData
Retrieve the color of this EdgeData object
getColor() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.edge.SpanningTreeEdgeData
getColor() - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.ColoredVertex
Get the vertex color
getColor() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedDfsVertex
getColor() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedSimpleColoredVertex
getColor() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.UndirectedBfsVertex
getColor() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.UndirectedPrimVertex
getComponent() - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.ComponentVertex
Get the number of the component to which the vertex belongs
getComponent() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedOrderedDfsVertex
getDiscoveryTime() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedDfsVertex
getDiscoveryTime() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedOrderedDfsVertex
getDiscoveryTime() - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.VisitedVertex
Get the vertex's discovery time
getDistance() - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DistanceVertex
Get the value of the distance field
getDistance() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.UndirectedBfsVertex
getEdgeColor(EdgeColorVertex<E>) - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.EdgeColorVertex
Retrieve the color of the edge whose head is the given vertex
getEdgeColor(EdgeColorVertex<E>) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.UndirectedKruskalVertex
getEdgeData(EdgeDataVertex<T>) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedEdgeDataVertex
getEdgeData(EdgeDataVertex<T>) - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.EdgeDataVertex
Get data for a particular edge.
getEdgeType() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.edge.DfsEdgeData
getEdgeType() - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.edge.EdgeTypeData
Retrieve the type of this EdgeData object
getEdgeType(EdgeTypeVertex<E>) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedDfsVertex
getEdgeType(EdgeTypeVertex<T>) - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.EdgeTypeVertex
Retrieve the type of the edge from the calling vertex to the vertex passed as parameter.
getEdgeWeight(EdgeWeightVertex<E>) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedShortestPathVertex
getEdgeWeight(EdgeWeightVertex<T>) - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.EdgeWeightVertex
Retrieve the weight of the edge from the calling vertex to the vertex passed as parameter.
getEdgeWeight(EdgeWeightVertex<E>) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.UndirectedKruskalVertex
getFinishTime() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedDfsVertex
getFinishTime() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedOrderedDfsVertex
getFinishTime() - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.VisitedVertex
Get the vertex's finish time
getGraph() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.edge.UndirectedWeightedEdge
Get the graph to which the edge belongs
getGraph() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.AbstractVertex
getGraph() - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.Vertex
Returns the graph to which the vertex belongs.
getParent() - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.ChildVertex
Get the vertex's parent
getParent() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedDfsVertex
getParent() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedShortestPathVertex
getParent() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.UndirectedBfsVertex
getParent() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.UndirectedPrimVertex
getSearchOrder() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedOrderedDfsVertex
getSearchOrder() - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.OrderedSearchVertex
Get the value of the searchOrder field
getSortedVertices() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.search.TopologicalSort
Returns a linked list of vertices in topologically sorted order.
getSourceVertex() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.search.BreadthFirstSearch
Returns the source vertex specified when search() was called.
getTransposeGraph() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.Transposer
Returns the transpose of the original graph
getVertexMap() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.spanningtree.Kruskal
Returns a map showing which vertex in the spanning tree corresponds to a given vertex in the original graph.
getVertexMap() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.Transposer
Returns a mapping in which the keys are the vertices of the original graph and the values are the corresponding vertices in the transpose graph.
getVertices() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.AbstractGraph
Returns a set containing the vertices in the graph.
getWeight() - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.edge.EdgeWeightData
Retrieve the weight contained in this EdgeData object
getWeight() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.edge.ShortestPathEdgeData
getWeight() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedShortestPathVertex
getWeight() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.UndirectedPrimVertex
getWeight() - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.WeightedVertex
Retrieve a vertex's weight.
getWeightedEdges() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.UndirectedWeightedEdgeGraph
Return a set containing all weighted edges in the graph.
getWeightEpsilon() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.DirectedWeightedEdgeGraph
getWeightEpsilon() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.UndirectedWeightedEdgeGraph
getWeightEpsilon() - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.graph.WeightedEdgeGraph
Retrieve the epsilon used to determine weight equality in the given graph.
GraphFactory<T extends Vertex> - Interface in com.codemelon.graph.graph


hasAdjacencies() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedEdgeDataVertex
hasAdjacencies() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedSimpleVertex
hasAdjacencies() - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.Vertex
Returns true if the vertex is the tail of at least one edge
hashCode() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.edge.UndirectedWeightedEdge
Overridden so that adding weighted edges to a HashSet will automatically eliminate duplicates.


initializeSingleSource(AbstractGraph<V>, V) - Static method in class com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.path.PathUtils
CLRS, p.


Kruskal<E extends SpanningTreeEdgeData,V extends UndirectedKruskalVertex<E>> - Class in com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.spanningtree
Implementation of Kruskal's algorithm for growing a minimum spanning tree.
Kruskal(UndirectedWeightedEdgeGraph<E, V>, VertexFactory<V>) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.spanningtree.Kruskal
Create a new object for generating a minimum spanning tree using Kruskal's algorithm.
KruskalGraph<E extends SpanningTreeEdgeData> - Class in com.codemelon.graph.graph
Utility class that eliminates a type parameter from UndirectedWeightedEdgeGraph by specifying V as an UndirectedKruskalVertex.
KruskalGraph(Collection<UndirectedKruskalVertex<E>>, double) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.KruskalGraph
Use the vertices in a collection as the initial vertices in the graph and set weight epsilon to the specified value.
KruskalGraph(double) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.KruskalGraph
Initialize an empty graph using the given value for weightEpsilon and default initial capacity.
KruskalGraph(int, double) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.KruskalGraph
Initialize an empty graph to have capacity for the given number of vertices and the specified weight epsilon.
KruskalGraph() - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.KruskalGraph
Initialize graph to a default initial capacity of 16 vertices
KruskalGraph(Collection<UndirectedKruskalVertex<E>>) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.KruskalGraph
Use the vertices in a collection as the initial vertices in the graph
KruskalGraph(int) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.KruskalGraph
Initialize graph to have capacity for the given number of vertices
KruskalVertex<E extends SpanningTreeEdgeData> - Interface in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
Interface specifying the necessary characteristics of vertices for graphs on which Kruskal's algorithm can run.


markEdges() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.spanningtree.Kruskal
Set edges in minimum spanning tree to BLACK, all other edges are set to WHITE
markEdges(V) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.spanningtree.Prim
Set edges in minimum spanning tree to BLACK, all other edges are set to WHITE.


newEdgeData() - Method in enum com.codemelon.graph.edge.DfsEdgeData.Factory
newEdgeData() - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.edge.EdgeDataFactory
Factory method for creating new EdgeData objects of a particular type
newEdgeData() - Method in enum com.codemelon.graph.edge.ShortestPathEdgeData.Factory
Factory method for creating new ShortestPathEdgeData objects by calling the default constructor.
newEdgeData() - Method in enum com.codemelon.graph.edge.SpanningTreeEdgeData.Factory
Factory method for creating new SpanningTreeEdgeData objects by calling the default constructor.
newGraph() - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.graph.GraphFactory
Creates a graph with the default initial capacity.
newGraph(int) - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.graph.GraphFactory
Creates a graph with the specified initial capacity.
newGraph(Collection<T>) - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.graph.GraphFactory
Creates a graph whose initial vertices are those contained in the given collection.
newGraph() - Method in enum com.codemelon.graph.graph.OrderedDfsGraphFactory
newGraph(int) - Method in enum com.codemelon.graph.graph.OrderedDfsGraphFactory
newGraph(Collection<DirectedOrderedDfsVertex>) - Method in enum com.codemelon.graph.graph.OrderedDfsGraphFactory
newVertex() - Method in enum com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedOrderedDfsVertex.Factory
newVertex(EdgeDataFactory<T>) - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.EdgeDataVertexFactory
newVertex() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.UndirectedKruskalVertexBuilder
newVertex() - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.VertexFactory
Creates an instance of the given type of vertex


OrderedDepthFirstSearch<T extends OrderedDfsVertex> - Class in com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.search
This class guarantees that the vertices will always be searched in a specific order.
OrderedDepthFirstSearch(AbstractGraph<T>, Comparator<OrderedSearchVertex>) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.search.OrderedDepthFirstSearch
Prepares the graph for a depth-first search where vertices are visited in the order specified by the Comparator passed to this constructor.
OrderedDepthFirstSearch(AbstractGraph<T>) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.search.OrderedDepthFirstSearch
If comparator is unspecified, use SearchOrderComparator as the default.
OrderedDfsGraphFactory - Enum in com.codemelon.graph.graph
OrderedDfsVertex - Interface in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
Utility interface used as shorthand for vertices that implement ColoredVertex, VisitedVertex, OrderedSearchVertex and ComponentVertex, as needed for ordered depth-first search.
OrderedSearchVertex - Interface in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
Vertex that supports a field for conducting searches in a specific order


path(BfsVertex) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.search.BreadthFirstSearch
Shows a shortest path from the source vertex passed in the search() method to any given vertex in the graph.
PathUtils - Class in com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.path
precedes(ColoredVertex, ColoredVertex) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.search.TopologicalSort
Returns true if earlier precedes later in the topologically sorted list.
Prim<E extends SpanningTreeEdgeData,V extends UndirectedPrimVertex<E>> - Class in com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.spanningtree
Implementation of Prim's algorithm for growing a minimum spanning tree.
Prim(UndirectedWeightedEdgeGraph<E, V>) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.spanningtree.Prim
PrimVertex<E extends SpanningTreeEdgeData> - Interface in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
Interface specifying the necessary characteristics of vertices for graphs on which Prim's algorithm can run.


relax(V, V) - Static method in class com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.path.PathUtils
CLRS, p.
removeAdjacency(Vertex) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedEdgeDataVertex
removeAdjacency(Vertex) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedSimpleVertex
removeAdjacency(Vertex) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.UndirectedEdgeDataVertex
removeAdjacency(Vertex) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.UndirectedSimpleVertex
removeAdjacency(Vertex) - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.Vertex
Removes the specified vertex from the adjacency set.
removeVertex(Vertex) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.AbstractGraph
Remove a vertex from the graph.
resetColors(AbstractGraph<V>) - Static method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.EdgeResetter
Reset the color of all edges in the graph to WHITE.
resetColors(AbstractGraph<V>, Color) - Static method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.EdgeResetter
Reset the color of all edges in the graph to the given value.
resetColors(AbstractGraph<? extends ColoredVertex>) - Static method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.VertexResetter
Reset the color of all vertices in the graph to white (typically signifies that the vertex has not yet been explored).
resetColors(AbstractGraph<? extends ColoredVertex>, Color) - Static method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.VertexResetter
Reset the color of all vertices in the graph to the given value.
resetDiscoveryTimes(AbstractGraph<? extends VisitedVertex>) - Static method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.VertexResetter
Reset the discovery time of all vertices in the graph to the default value
resetDiscoveryTimes(AbstractGraph<? extends VisitedVertex>, int) - Static method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.VertexResetter
Reset the discovery time of all vertices in the graph to the given value.
resetDistances(AbstractGraph<? extends DistanceVertex>) - Static method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.VertexResetter
Reset the distance property of all vertices in the graph to the default value.
resetDistances(AbstractGraph<? extends DistanceVertex>, int) - Static method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.VertexResetter
Reset the distance property of all vertices in the graph to the given value.
resetFinishTimes(AbstractGraph<? extends VisitedVertex>) - Static method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.VertexResetter
Reset the finish time of all vertices in the graph to the default value
resetFinishTimes(AbstractGraph<? extends VisitedVertex>, int) - Static method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.VertexResetter
Reset the finish time of all vertices in the graph to the given value.
resetForBfs(AbstractGraph<? extends BfsVertex>) - Static method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.VertexResetter
Reset the vertex properties used in breadth-first search
resetForDfs(AbstractGraph<? extends DfsVertex>) - Static method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.VertexResetter
Reset the vertex properties used in edge type depth-first search
resetForEdgeTypeDfs(AbstractGraph<? extends EdgeTypeDfsVertex<?>>) - Static method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.VertexResetter
Reset the vertex properties used in edge type depth-first search
resetForOrderedDfs(AbstractGraph<? extends OrderedDfsVertex>) - Static method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.VertexResetter
Reset the vertex properties used in ordered depth-first search
resetForPrim(AbstractGraph<V>) - Static method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.VertexResetter
resetParents(AbstractGraph<? extends ChildVertex>) - Static method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.VertexResetter
Reset the parent of all vertices in the graph to null
resetWeights(AbstractGraph<? extends WeightedVertex>) - Static method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.VertexResetter
Reset the weight of all vertices in the graph to the default value.
resetWeights(AbstractGraph<? extends WeightedVertex>, double) - Static method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.VertexResetter
Reset the weight of all vertices in the graph to the given value.
ReverseSearchOrderComparator - Class in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
ReverseSearchOrderComparator() - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.ReverseSearchOrderComparator
run() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.search.StronglyConnectedComponents
Marks the strongly connected components in the graph by setting the treeNumber field of each vertex accordingly.


search(T) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.search.BreadthFirstSearch
Executes the search on the input graph.
search() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.search.DepthFirstSearch
Conduct a depth-first search on the graph, visiting vertices in no predetermined order.
search() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.search.EdgeTypeDepthFirstSearch
Conduct a depth-first search on the graph, visiting vertices in no predetermined order.
search() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.search.OrderedDepthFirstSearch
Conduct a depth-first search on the graph, visiting vertices in the order specified in the constructor.
SearchOrderComparator - Class in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
SearchOrderComparator() - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.SearchOrderComparator
setColor(Color) - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.edge.EdgeColorData
Set the color contained in this EdgeData object
setColor(Color) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.edge.SpanningTreeEdgeData
setColor(Color) - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.ColoredVertex
Set the vertex color
setColor(Color) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedDfsVertex
setColor(Color) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedSimpleColoredVertex
setColor(Color) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.UndirectedBfsVertex
setColor(Color) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.UndirectedPrimVertex
setComponent(int) - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.ComponentVertex
Set the number of the component to which the vertex belongs
setComponent(int) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedOrderedDfsVertex
setDiscoveryTime(int) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedDfsVertex
setDiscoveryTime(int) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedOrderedDfsVertex
setDiscoveryTime(int) - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.VisitedVertex
Set the time at which the vertex was discovered
setDistance(int) - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DistanceVertex
Set the distance field
setDistance(int) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.UndirectedBfsVertex
setEdgeColor(EdgeColorVertex<E>, Color) - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.EdgeColorVertex
Set the color of the edge whose head is the given vertex.
setEdgeColor(EdgeColorVertex<E>, Color) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.UndirectedKruskalVertex
setEdgeType(EdgeType) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.edge.DfsEdgeData
setEdgeType(EdgeType) - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.edge.EdgeTypeData
Set the EdgeType contained in this EdgeData object
setEdgeType(EdgeTypeVertex<E>, EdgeType) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedDfsVertex
setEdgeType(EdgeTypeVertex<T>, EdgeType) - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.EdgeTypeVertex
Set the type of the edge from the calling vertex to the vertex passed as parameter
setEdgeWeight(EdgeWeightVertex<E>, double) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedShortestPathVertex
setEdgeWeight(EdgeWeightVertex<T>, double) - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.EdgeWeightVertex
Set the weight of the edge from the calling vertex to the vertex passed as parameter.
setEdgeWeight(EdgeWeightVertex<E>, double) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.UndirectedKruskalVertex
setFinishTime(int) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedDfsVertex
setFinishTime(int) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedOrderedDfsVertex
setFinishTime(int) - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.VisitedVertex
Set the time at which the vertex visit was finished
setGraph(AbstractGraph<? extends Vertex>) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.AbstractVertex
setGraph(AbstractGraph<? extends Vertex>) - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.Vertex
Set the graph to which the vertex belongs
setParent(ChildVertex) - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.ChildVertex
Set the parent of the given vertex
setParent(ChildVertex) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedDfsVertex
setParent(ChildVertex) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedShortestPathVertex
setParent(ChildVertex) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.UndirectedBfsVertex
setParent(ChildVertex) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.UndirectedPrimVertex
setSearchOrder(int) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedOrderedDfsVertex
setSearchOrder(int) - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.OrderedSearchVertex
Set the value of the searchOrder field
setWeight(double) - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.edge.EdgeWeightData
Set the weight contained in this EdgeData object
setWeight(double) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.edge.ShortestPathEdgeData
setWeight(double) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedShortestPathVertex
setWeight(double) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.UndirectedPrimVertex
setWeight(double) - Method in interface com.codemelon.graph.vertex.WeightedVertex
Set vertex weight to the specified value.
ShortestPathEdgeData - Class in com.codemelon.graph.edge
ShortestPathEdgeData() - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.edge.ShortestPathEdgeData
ShortestPathEdgeData(double) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.edge.ShortestPathEdgeData
ShortestPathEdgeData.Factory - Enum in com.codemelon.graph.edge
ShortestPathVertex<E extends EdgeWeightData> - Interface in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
SpanningTreeEdgeData - Class in com.codemelon.graph.edge
SpanningTreeEdgeData() - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.edge.SpanningTreeEdgeData
SpanningTreeEdgeData(double, Color) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.edge.SpanningTreeEdgeData
SpanningTreeEdgeData.Factory - Enum in com.codemelon.graph.edge
StronglyConnectedComponents<T extends DfsVertex & ComponentVertex,U extends OrderedDfsVertex> - Class in com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.search
Identify the strongly connected components in a graph using an int value to mark the component to which each vertex belongs.
StronglyConnectedComponents(AbstractGraph<T>, VertexFactory<U>, GraphFactory<U>) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.search.StronglyConnectedComponents
Prepare to mark the graph for strongly connected components.


to() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.edge.UndirectedWeightedEdge
Returns one end of the given edge.
TopologicalSort<T extends ColoredVertex> - Class in com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.search
Assuming that there is no cycle in the graph, this algorithm creates a linked list representing an ordering that respects the edges in the graph.
TopologicalSort(AbstractGraph<T>) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.algorithm.search.TopologicalSort
This constructor modifies the colors of the vertices in the graph.
Transposer<T extends Vertex,U extends Vertex> - Class in com.codemelon.graph.graph
Utility class for transposing a graph.
Transposer(AbstractGraph<T>, VertexFactory<U>, GraphFactory<U>) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.Transposer
Creates a transpose graph, which can be retrieved as needed through the getTransposeGraph() method, and a HashMap from the vertices of the original graph to the corresponding vertices of the transpose graph.


UndirectedBfsVertex - Class in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
Undirected vertex supporting the operations required for breadth-first search.
UndirectedBfsVertex() - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.UndirectedBfsVertex
UndirectedEdgeDataGraph<E,V extends UndirectedEdgeDataVertex<E>> - Class in com.codemelon.graph.graph
Undirected graph that supports edge data.
UndirectedEdgeDataGraph() - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.UndirectedEdgeDataGraph
Initialize graph to a default initial capacity of 16 vertices
UndirectedEdgeDataGraph(int) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.UndirectedEdgeDataGraph
Initialize graph to have capacity for the given number of vertices
UndirectedEdgeDataGraph(Collection<V>) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.UndirectedEdgeDataGraph
Use the vertices in a collection as the initial vertices in the graph
UndirectedEdgeDataVertex<T> - Class in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
UndirectedEdgeDataVertex(EdgeDataFactory<T>) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.UndirectedEdgeDataVertex
Constructor from an EdgeDataFactory
UndirectedKruskalVertex<E extends SpanningTreeEdgeData> - Class in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
Undirected vertex supporting the functions necessary for Kruskal's algorithm.
UndirectedKruskalVertex(EdgeDataFactory<E>) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.UndirectedKruskalVertex
Construct vertex from a factory for building appropriate EdgeData objects.
UndirectedKruskalVertexBuilder<E extends SpanningTreeEdgeData> - Class in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
UndirectedKruskalVertexBuilder(EdgeDataFactory<E>) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.UndirectedKruskalVertexBuilder
UndirectedPrimVertex<E extends SpanningTreeEdgeData> - Class in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
Undirected vertex supporting the functions necessary for Prim's algorithm.
UndirectedPrimVertex(EdgeDataFactory<E>) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.UndirectedPrimVertex
Construct vertex from a factory for building appropriate EdgeData objects, initialize vertex weight and color to the default values and set vertex parent to null.
UndirectedSimpleGraph<T extends UndirectedSimpleVertex> - Class in com.codemelon.graph.graph
UndirectedSimpleGraph() - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.UndirectedSimpleGraph
Initialize graph to a default initial capacity of 16 vertices
UndirectedSimpleGraph(int) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.UndirectedSimpleGraph
Initialize graph to have capacity for the given number of vertices
UndirectedSimpleGraph(Collection<T>) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.UndirectedSimpleGraph
Use the vertices in a collection as the initial vertices in the graph
UndirectedSimpleVertex - Class in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
Vertex to be used in undirected graphs.
UndirectedSimpleVertex() - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.UndirectedSimpleVertex
Default constructor initializes graph to null and creates an empty adjacency list
UndirectedWeightedEdge<E extends EdgeWeightData,V extends UndirectedEdgeDataVertex<E> & EdgeWeightVertex<E>> - Class in com.codemelon.graph.edge
Immutable, undirected edges that maintain a floating point weight.
UndirectedWeightedEdge(V, V) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.edge.UndirectedWeightedEdge
UndirectedWeightedEdgeGraph<E extends EdgeWeightData,V extends UndirectedEdgeDataVertex<E> & EdgeWeightVertex<E>> - Class in com.codemelon.graph.graph
Undirected graph supporting floating point edge weight.
UndirectedWeightedEdgeGraph() - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.UndirectedWeightedEdgeGraph
Initialize an empty graph using the default values for weightEpsilon and initial capacity.
UndirectedWeightedEdgeGraph(double) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.UndirectedWeightedEdgeGraph
Initialize an empty graph using the given value for weightEpsilon and default initial capacity.
UndirectedWeightedEdgeGraph(Collection<V>) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.UndirectedWeightedEdgeGraph
Use the vertices in a collection as the initial vertices in the graph and set weight epsilon to the default value.
UndirectedWeightedEdgeGraph(Collection<V>, double) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.UndirectedWeightedEdgeGraph
Use the vertices in a collection as the initial vertices in the graph and set weight epsilon to the specified value.
UndirectedWeightedEdgeGraph(int) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.UndirectedWeightedEdgeGraph
Initialize an empty graph to have capacity for the given number of vertices and the default weight epsilon.
UndirectedWeightedEdgeGraph(int, double) - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.graph.UndirectedWeightedEdgeGraph
Initialize an empty graph to have capacity for the given number of vertices and the specified weight epsilon.
union(T, T) - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.common.DisjointSet
Perform a union on the sets to which x and y belong.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.codemelon.graph.common.Color
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.codemelon.graph.edge.DfsEdgeData.Factory
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.codemelon.graph.edge.EdgeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.codemelon.graph.edge.ShortestPathEdgeData.Factory
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.codemelon.graph.edge.SpanningTreeEdgeData.Factory
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.codemelon.graph.graph.OrderedDfsGraphFactory
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedOrderedDfsVertex.Factory
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.codemelon.graph.common.Color
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.codemelon.graph.edge.DfsEdgeData.Factory
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.codemelon.graph.edge.EdgeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.codemelon.graph.edge.ShortestPathEdgeData.Factory
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.codemelon.graph.edge.SpanningTreeEdgeData.Factory
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.codemelon.graph.graph.OrderedDfsGraphFactory
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.codemelon.graph.vertex.DirectedOrderedDfsVertex.Factory
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Vertex - Interface in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
Basic specification which any Vertex class must implement
vertexCount() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.AbstractGraph
Number of vertices in the graph
VertexFactory<V extends Vertex> - Interface in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
Requires a factory method for creating new vertices of the given type.
vertexIterator() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.graph.AbstractGraph
Returns an iterator over the vertices in the graph
VertexResetter - Class in com.codemelon.graph.graph
Static methods for resetting all vertices in a graph
VisitedVertex - Interface in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
Vertex that supports fields for marking discovery and finish times, as required in depth=first search


weight() - Method in class com.codemelon.graph.edge.UndirectedWeightedEdge
Returns the edge's weight.
WeightComparator - Class in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
WeightComparator() - Constructor for class com.codemelon.graph.vertex.WeightComparator
WeightedEdgeGraph - Interface in com.codemelon.graph.graph
WeightedVertex - Interface in com.codemelon.graph.vertex
Vertex that maintains a floating point weight.